Join me on a journey of peace, love and financial restoration.

You might have noticed that the world is going crazy. The mainstream media is seemingly dividing us up politically, economically and racially and pitting us one against the other. They might say that they are just reporting the news but, it’s the way in which they are doing it. Most of us are isolated within our own social bubble. We cannot see with our own eyes what is going on a few blocks away, let alone what is going on in another part of the country or the world. We rely on TV and the print media for shaping our world view. We are therefore more affected by what we see on TV. Especially by the news shows which seem to come with a heavy slice of propaganda slanted either to the left or to the right. There has never been so much pressure on us to take sides. I for one choose not to do so. Instead of focusing on the problems, I plan to offer solutions. I have come up with a political manifesto so brilliant that any political party adopting it would surely secure a larger proportion of the vote. I’ve called it the JPR Political Manifesto. I am JP. “R” is for Rules. If I ruled the world this is what I would do. However, I’m just an ordinary bloke, nothing special but, I was once told that any of us individually can achieve great things, that we can move mountains. I would like to change the world for the better, for the majority. I’m Jean-Pierre. This is my website. Join me on a journey of peace, love and financial restoration.

Main Tenets of my JPR Political Manifesto

Debt Jubilee: Debt forgiveness for all personal, company and the national debts.

Rent Controls: Rolling back domestic & commercial rents to 1996 levels.

Flat Rate Tax at 10%. Vat at 10%. A tax system simplified with no loopholes.

Minimum wage doubled.

Social Housing Reform.

Free Drugs from Government = Less crime + more Rehab to be made available.

Day of Amnesty for all except the violent and sexual predators.

Anti-Corruption: Serious penalties for offenders so corruption is not an option.

JPR Federation: Countries working together in a non-adversarial way without giving up their sovereignty with easy in/out options available for any member state, anytime.

I do believe that one day we will all have good government by the minority for the benefit of the majority but, until then the powers that be hold sway over us. I for one do not like the way things are going or where we’re heading to. I’m tired of sitting back and hoping for the best. Things never seem to get any better. I want change but, there’s no point me joining a political party when I’d have no real say in party policy. Who am I to change the direction of an established political party? Voting red or blue is meaningless to me as the way I see it is they are two sides of the same coin, both being sponsored by the corporate elites who they are then in turn indebted to no matter which of them comes to power.

We need to hit the reset button. Lots of people are talking about hitting the reset button but, the resets they’re talking about would take the majority of us back to serfdom.

It seems that we are being deliberately bankrupted in order to force upon us a new financial system. Rumour has it that nations currencies will be abandoned for new crypto currencies with negative interest rates that penalize savers. Being frugal will no longer be an option. Think you’re debt free? Think again. Anyone still solvent will have to service their fair share of the national debt through high taxation. Due to poverty and mass unemployment everyone is to receive (UBI) universal basic income from their government paid directly into their account but, only as long as you’re up to date with your vaccines. This is the sort of reset that they were talking about at DAVOS September 2020. No, I don’t like that reset either. So I’ve come up with my own.

If we do not offer a credible alternative, we will just have to accept whatever reset that they give us. It’s not too late.

Almost everyone would vote for a debt Jubilee. It’s a vote winner!

We just need one political party to adopt the JPR Manifesto.

We bailed out the banks.

Now it’s our turn.

The Historical Narrative is being Questioned.

Can We Trust Our History?

Here are a few short videos by Jon Levi.

North American Foundations.

Our Buried Past. ( The Mud Flood ).


Just as there’s millions of Christians waiting for Jesus to return, some of them waiting to be raptured, there are also some who believe that Jesus already returned, and at the time that he said that he would, ( within that generation ) and that history is a lie trying to hide the truth. The main evidence being the amazing castles, cathedrals and municipal buildings that are prevalent all over the world, seeming to be easy to produce in the past, yet impossible to do today. Without electricity, cranes, heavy machinery and power tools, how did our ancestors build such amazing masterpieces? And during times of famine, plague and constant war? Surely it makes more sense that these magnificent buildings were made during a long period of peace? Possibly a thousand years of peace? A millennium kingdom, perhaps? It’s easy to accept what we’ve been told regarding European history as we’ve been here a very long time. But there are places where these buildings exist where they shouldn’t, and then the narrative starts to fall apart. In Europe these magnificent buildings, we’re told took up to a hundred years to complete but all over America in the 1880’s they could throw them up in a year, sometimes taking as long as two years. Something doesn’t add up. 

The World Wide Cover Up

by JT Follows JC

The Little Season Theory - Question The Narrative Podcast Visit



They used to say that you couldn’t prove or disprove the existence of God. Now with the bible codes you can know exactly who God is. See Gods hidden message in the digits of pi.

Just amazing


10 SHOCKING Biblical Archaeological Discoveries That Give Evidence Christianity is True!

The Beat by Allen Parr

Jaw-Dropping 666 Discovery

By Truth is Christ

My YouTube Channel:

Interview with Nicholson1968

An interesting take on the Globalist plan for the mark of the beast

Movies for Lockdown



An alternative world history as seen when using a biblical lens. If God is real then understanding history as presented through his book may be of interest to you. This is the best film I’ve come across in describing the true nature of our reality as taken from a biblical perspective. Brought to you by The Truth is Stranger than Fiction who has a fabulous YouTube channel.

Your Dutch Uncle's Exegesis in Genesis 1:1 Part 2

Dutch Uncle John has so much material on his website. The codes are truly amazing. His videos can be quite long but you can tackle them in short 20 minute bursts if you like. The bible is the only book that has these codes. Many say that they’re just random, that they can be found in any book but, these people are unable to say which books. Don’t listen to the naysayers. Judge for yourself.

ODD TV's Flat Earth Trilogy

The shape of Earth. Who would have thought there would be any debate about this in the 21st century. What’s important to me is being able to feed my family, keeping a roof over their head, paying the bills, keeping them safe, etc. If you’re certain that we live on a spinning ball, watch this. It wont change your life that much. You’ll still have to pay all your bills but, it might just twist your melon a little bit.

The Atlantis Report

Introducing the new financial system. This show is excellent in informing you on the financial topics that the main stream media seem to be avoiding. Yes, I know it’s all a bit doom and gloom but, better to know what’s coming and be prepared than to be taken by surprise.

Possible Leaked Road Map for the Next Phase of the Agenda

It’s getting truly scary now. Things are happening so fast. I hope that this is wrong, that it is misinformation but, I cannot tell you that one way or the other. It fits in with biblical prophesy so for me it is credible. Remember, this is a trap. Giving up your property rights for debt forgiveness is a bad deal. My JPR offers a debt jubilee with no strings attached. Obviously, some deals are better than others.

Best NASA Fails and Fraud Compilation

Can you watch this and still believe that NASA isn’t lying to you? Something is going on. It might just be a giant financial fraud. Or maybe something more sinister. What do you think? Answers on a postcard.

The Georgia Guidestones - Mystery Solved?

The mysterious monument set up in Elbert County, Georgia in 1980 by persons unknown seems to be the 10 commandment of the New World Order. The first commandment is to reduce and maintain the human population at below 500 million. That’s a reduction of 90 - 95% of the population. 4 of the 6 pillars are shaped like the UN building which just happens to be 666 miles away in New York. These guys love their 666.

Revelation: Bill Gates & ID2020 Microchips for a Cashless Society

Problem - Reaction - Solution. New World Order out of Chaos.

‘Great Reset’ in Davos at the forefront of a ‘great deception’ in the free world

It’s kind of funny how the New World Order agenda is now openly talked about on the mainstream media. Yet if I mention it to anyone they still look at me as if I’m a nutter. This clip is from Sky News Australia.

The Next Crisis?

Power outages and internet shut down. Wow, great, cheers Klaus. Once we’re all bankrupt, they’ll offer us their debt jubilee in exchange for the loss of our property rights. Sounds like communism to me.

Flat Earth Man is back! - “Puppet Show” an ISS expose - Funny

Just a bit of fun to brighten up your day.

The Great Reset (the Coming Economic Crisis) - Part 2 by Keith Malcomson

Like I said, it’s a communist plot. Who’s the power behind these nasty individuals? Paul the Apostle said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, authorities and powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. That would be Satan then. Satan with his human minions carrying out his agenda to bring about his New World Order beast system. The bible makes it quite clear that he will succeed for a short period of time. First the church is removed, snatched away, the Restrainer is withdrawn, that’s the Holy Spirit I’m guessing, then Satan will have free reign to establish his kingdom on Earth and the killings begin, etc.

Why human microchipping is so popular in Sweden - ITN News

Just in case you didn’t already know, the microchipping has already begun. So they have the tech. What if you don’t have any hands? I guess they can put the chip in your forehead instead. Rev 13:16.

The TV Flu has Control of You! #DontBeACovidiot!

This video has now been removed. Better watch the others before they too are censored. TV is like Snow Whites poisoned apple. Consuming it can seriously damage your ability to discern the true nature of our reality. Is TV just entertainment? Or is it a huge distraction? Or worse still, a massive propaganda tool for the powers that shouldn’t be? I personally think it’s a mixture of all three.

The Boiling Frog Effect

Another Dave Cullen special. A must, must watch, please.

Human 2.0 -vs- The Last Adam….

So the trial vaccines have chimpanzee DNA but they say they won’t use that in the finished products. Like, how would we know? Are we just supposed to trust them? They think it a good idea to merge with technology, take a chip that is a transmitter that receives automatic updates and instant digital vaccines. Would this be changing our DNA? Isn’t this what Genesis chapter 6 was all about? All creatures and plants on Earth had been so mucked about with by the rebellious fallen angels that God had to destroy almost everything and start again. Let’s not go down this road again. We are redeemable only because we are human. I for one would like to remain 100% human. I’m betting that there will be many who think all this tech stuff is great and will be chomping at the bit to get it. Oh well. Different strokes and all that.

100% Proof Space Travel is Fake & Mars Missions are Too

True science doesn’t lie. We know through science experiments like these that combustion and thrust don’t work in a vacuum. In other words the Apollo rockets couldn’t work in the vacuum of space. Fact. Space is fake. Time to wake up.

Odds of dying from COVID by Age - Update October 2020

So if you’re in the 50-69 age group and catch Covid-19 you have 1 chance in 200 of dying from it. If you happen to be healthy then your survival rate increases even more. I love those odds. This is clearly not as bad as the mainstream media are making out. So we don’t need a vaccine? If you feel vulnerable then I understand why you would want one but, it shouldn’t be made compulsory, right? In the conspiracy world we are hearing rumors that if we don’t take the vaccine that we will be permanently under house arrest, that our children will not be allowed to go to school in case we infect the people who have taken the vaccine. I thought that the vaccine was supposed to protect you from Covid-19. If it doesn’t protect you then why would you take it? It makes no sense on any level. Still, they continue to deliberately crash the economy for what seems to be a rather mild flu. It looks like the World Economic Forum’s dreams are coming true. Remember what they predicted? “In 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy.”

THE GREAT RESET (Explained!) by Neil McCoy-Ward

I was just asking myself these very questions. What is Davos? And who funds it? Thanks Neil for answering those questions and many more in another great video. In this video you will see how they plan to get us to merge with technology and change our DNA. This is real people. Wakey! Wakey!

NO JAB NO ENTRY - TOLD YOU - The Voice Of Reason Alex Belfield

Video deleted. I will up-load a working link as soon as I find one, if there is one.

So if you can't go anywhere, you’re basically still in lockdown. I’m predicting they will try to get families to turn on each other by enforcing permanent lockdown even if you’ve had the vaccine if you live with someone who hasn’t had it. I can see my wife chucking me out of the house if I don’t get the vaccine so that she can get her life back to the new normal.

Remember right from the very beginning they told us that we’re not going back to normal, that this new normal will remain in place. They’re still saying that, and they’re saying those who take the vaccine still have to wear masks and social distance. So, what’s the bloody point?

Do let me know if you want me to download more links. This will keep you going for a bit. Missing you all. I hope that we can meet up soon. Jp

Is it just me? Or do all these conspiracies when combined together seem to be working towards a common goal? Think about it. First they get you lose faith in a creator, to then believe that life is just a random accident, that we are born, live, die and then that’s the end of it. Throw in environmentalism, looking after the animals etc, sustainability, too many people in the world, humans are the problem, humans are a virus. In that scenario it makes perfect sense for the authorities to organize the systematic depopulation of mankind, which I believe, is their final solution, their true agenda.

On the other hand, you have the idea that God created us because he loves us and wants us to spend an eternity with him. He’s not going to twist our arm. There’s a deal on offer which I believe is the best deal ever but, it’s up to us to accept it. Showing you some of the best cock ups of space science is just my way of trying to break the spell that you may still be under. If you whole heartily believe in science, you may struggle to accept the plain simple truths of the bible. Not only that but, biblical truth may come across to you as being a bit daft. Pride was the original sin. To be like God and so to no longer need God, that was the whole point of that exercise. Most people today don’t believe in or feel that they need God. Science is their new religion and they seem happy enough, even though their god continuously gets caught lying and faking. If you are determined to stay with science, I would ask that you at least look at the bible codes in order to put your own mind at rest. If you can say that you’ve had a good look and that you believe the codes are just random, then fair enough but, to ignore the evidence is not very scientific, if you ask me.

The Gospel of Jesus in a nutshell. (basic) 2 Cor 5:21

One minute twelve seconds of video.

There are no caveats to John 3:16.

Anyone who believes shall be saved.

Don’t miss out on the Best Deal Ever!

We are all made in the image of God.

Black, White, Rich, Poor, Slave, Free, Jew, Gentile, Gay, Straight, Short, Tall, all of us, any combination, we are made in his image. We are called to love one another. Do not be a hater.

If what you read or what you watch on TV causes you to hate. Cut it out.

If the people you listen to make your blood boil, or you listen to wind up radio shows that causes you to hate. Cut it out.

Jesus wants us to love one another. Satan wants us to take sides, to hate, to fight and to kill each other.

Hating anyone, you’re hating an image of God. Guard your heart. Don’t play the Devils games.

Peace & Love to you all. xx

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18.

C 3

O 15

R 18

O 15

N 14

A 1

6 Letters adding up to 66.

666 again!

Would you take the mark of the beast? Are the coming vaccines some how linked to the beast system? We were told that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast. We were told to calculate his number, that it was 666.

No mask - No entry, No vaccine - No sale.

Maybe I’m just being paranoid.

The statistic I heard last week that astounded me was from The Voice of Reason, Alex Belfield. He said less than 350 people under the age of 60 had died in the UK since February from Kung Flu (Covid-19) who hadn’t previously had serious health conditions, or words to that effect. The majority of deaths are of people over the age of 80 who are mostly retired. Those of us studying or running small businesses or working 9-5 have had their lives/careers mostly ruined. Mental illness is on the rise, suicide etc. So we’ve basically destroyed our economy and our social life and our future prospects for what seems like a mild flu. I hear people blaming the Government, especially Boris Johnson. That would make sense if the UK was alone in committing economic suicide but, we’re not. The whole world is doing the same thing. This shows us quite clearly that Governments are not in control. They are following orders, orders from the non-elected global think tanks like the World Economic Forum, United Nations, IMF etc. Otherwise you would see more countries trying different things. If you remember Boris first wanted to go ahead with Herd Immunity but he was shouted down by the hysterical main stream media, and so fell in line with the globalist agenda. They want us bankrupt and desperate, desperate enough to accept their solution. Order out of chaos, their new world order, their so-called great reset. 15 years ago I was hearing that the powers that be wanted to destroy the middle class. They hated that the middle class had a property that had equity, that afforded them some financial independence. They wanted to bring everybody down to the same level. Unfortunately that means turning both the middle and working classes into a destitute underclass in a world where only those up to date with their vaccines and tech upgrades will be allowed to work. Trans-humanism will be the only way to get ahead in life. That means changing your DNA, changing Gods perfect design. Once again, the original sin was to eat the fruit, to be like God. The inference being to become God yourself and so no longer need God. Let us not make that mistake again. Can you imagine a future where only crappy low paid jobs are on offer at say a giant warehousing company but humans are too slow, make too many mistakes and so even in those crappy jobs they will be looking to recruit only those who have had all the necessary jabs and upgrades. What will become of the rest of us who refuse to comply? Well, they keep telling us that there’s too many people in the world, so I guess you know what’s coming next.

Let me make this clear. Globalization is the work of the Devil. If you study biblical prophesy in the books of Daniel and Revelation you will read about the foretold world power that will emerge at the end of the age and how it acts, declaring itself as God, demanding worship in exchange for a mark that allows you to continue living, buying and selling etc. Is the coin beginning to drop yet? No jab, no entry. No mark, no sale. We are heading there at a rate of knots. Even if the talked about vaccine isn’t the mark itself, it might be a precursor to it. They just want you to get used to receiving 2 jabs a year for the rest of your life. When the real one comes around, you’ll be thinking, “That’s alright. It ain’t no biggie.”

The time has come to wake up, to stop trusting in man. All men are liars. Only God is good. The time has come to put your trust in God, in what he has done for us. Jesus paid the price for us so that anyone who believes will be made righteous, that is to be right with God and saved. Saved from what? Judgement. All who are judged will be found guilty, so you do not want to go there. No one in their right mind would pass on the best deal ever. Can you not see how it has taken massive mind control from an early age to get you to not believe in a creator, to believe you live on a spinning ball earth where mighty oceans magically cling all around the ball by the power of gravity. Yet the smallest moths with the tiniest wings can fly seemingly unaffected by said gravity. Use your brain. Break the spell. Find God before it’s too late. Believe in your heart and confess with your mouth to be born again, to receive the circumcision of the heart so that you can be correctly identified and snatched away when Jesus raptures his body of believers to escape the worst of what’s coming. I know that I sound like a mentalist but, this is basic Christian doctrine.

So you can choose to believe science, that nothing exploded and created everything. That you’re born, live, die then nothing forever. Or you can believe God, that we are eternal, that we will be raised up after death to a new life, a new forever body, that he also has a place for us, good or bad. Please look at the bible codes. The more of you that come to faith in Jesus, the less of a mentalist I will be feeling like. Blessings to all of you, my friends and family and anyone who has stumbled across this website. Do get in touch should you require more info.

Much love,


Happy New Year to everyone. I’ve been slow in getting back to this. I’ve been distracted. Anyway, no one is visiting my website so I guess it doesn’t matter so much but, with the lock-down looking like being extended to end of March and more lock-downs being planned already for next winter you will be needing lots of video recommendations from me to keep you going towards my alternative view of reality. Join me in my world as my search for truth continues.


George Carlin told us about the Corona panic years ago.

Industrial Language Alert.

George Carlin talking about germs and swearing like a trooper.

2 Jabs every year says Hancock / Hugo Talks

Two jabs every year or two jabs every 6 months depending…plus more jabs for all and sundry. Got a nasty rash? I’m sure they’ll have a jab for that too.

30,000 Restaurants defy Lockdown Rules / Hugo Talks

The Italians are revolting but, in a nice way. These brave souls are amazing. Sadly I’m not seeing this kind of rebellion in the UK.


Another case of truth in the movies and lies on the news. It seems to me that making a movie is a bit like casting a spell. If the New World Order brigade want this kind of dystopian future they make a movie about it. As they roll out their plan in reality, people like me start to raise concerns only to be told that we’re ridiculous conspiracy nut jobs, and that we’ve been watching too much television. Funny how this 40 year old movie predicted covid so well. I guess the writer just got lucky.

Space is Ridiculous by Owen Benjamin

A great rant. A bit sweary, sorry.

Upside Down World / Hugo Talks

Are your alarm bells ringing yet? Anyone who claims that breast feeding isn’t natural is surely a dodge pot, right? Would you take a vaccine from a man like this? A great expose by Hugo Talks. I agree with Hugo. I do not like their plan for us and I do not consent.

Pharmakeia / Drugs, Black Magic and the End Times Part 1

Would you Adam and Eve it? Snakes everywhere! Bloody snake oil salesmen! Remember, these people keep telling us that there are too many people in the world, that it is just not sustainable. Now with economies crashing, jobs vanishing, some forever in this great reset, together with the fact that they now have cheap robotics where most jobs can be, or will soon be done by machines. They just don’t need us anymore. In their eyes we are surplus to requirements but, it is true wizardry and amazing sorcery to get people to voluntary ingest poison. The bible makes it quite clear that if you refuse to believe the truth, that you will believe the lie. I guess that’s why so many people are chomping at the bit to get the vaccine, jumping the queue, buying jabs on the black market and over the internet. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Still it remains that everyone I know both family and friends thinks I’m the nut job, that I should stop all this nonsense, listen to the Government, believe everything they say, do what I’m told, take the vaccine and then normality will return sooner somehow once everyone is on the same page. So you see, people are still not listening. Even the powers that be said right from the very beginning that we’re never going back to normal, that this is the new normal. So it’s the majority that are deluded, not me. They somehow believe that if we do everything that we’re told, that the experts will be wrong and that normality will return, that our jobs and businesses will return, holidaying, crowds, parties, nights out, hugs and kisses will return. No, they’re telling us that Covid-19 is endemic, meaning that it will always be with us forever more, that we need to take a minimum of 2 vaccines a year for the rest of our lives and continue to wear masks and social distance even after having the jabs. What normality? What are you talking about? Wakey! Wakey!

80% Jabs still Not GOOD enough for next Christmas IRELAND

When the Normies finally realize what’s being said here, hopefully the mood will change. I’ve heard so many friends say that they want the jab ASAP so that they can go on their Summer holidays. Well, if they’re not allowing us to go to Christmas 2021, they’re not allowing us to go on our foreign holidays either. Or am I putting two and two together and coming up with five? I don’t know. I might be wrong but, I don’t think I am. I’m as desperate as the next man to go to Sunshine Land. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening any time soon especially with me being such an ardent non-vaxer.

MP Slams Lockdown and confirms Less than 400 under 60’s have died from Covid with no Pre-Existing health conditions

In this clip Parliament are seen discussing death rates of various age groups, specifically under 69’s. The MP refers to the statistic that less than 400 under the age of 69 have died from Covid in the UK without pre-existing health conditions. Boris is obviously well aware of this stand out statistic from the Office of National Statistics and doesn’t deny its authenticity.

When I mention this to people they give me a funny look as if I’m making things up. Sometimes they say that I’ve been taken in by Fake News. Still, nobody is going to my website where all the links are provided. Too many people around me trust the main stream media who are the ones blowing this whole thing up out of all proportions on behalf of the non-elected globalist cabals who are seeking to implement their New World Order Great Reset Agenda 21. They just needed a convenient lie to get their agenda accomplished. Covid was just that. Using a mild flu, calling it a pandemic, whipping us up into a frenzy thinking we’re all going to die if a passer by breaths on us, getting us to self isolate, close down our businesses and job losses etc. I’ll say it again. We have killed our economy when less than 400 healthy people under the age of 69 have died from Covid since February 2020. Peoples perceptions will not allow them to believe the facts. Peoples perceptions have come from their exposure to the media they consume. I hope that when (if) you wake up and realize that you’ve been lied to for years, that you will cut off the channels and shows that have led you down such a dark alley to a place where you have consented to the absolute evil that has taken place.

PEOPLE POWER - Italy to REOPEN Bars and Restaurants

If you want to go on your Summer Holidays this year, this is the way to go. Covid is not going away. Lockdowns are being extended probably to 2022 at least. Remember, it was supposed to be just a few weeks to flatten the curve. As long as we follow the rules they will continue extending the detentions and we will not have our rights to work and travel returned to us. The Italians are showing us the way to go. They protested and now their bars and restaurants are open. I hope that they keep going and that maybe this People Power will spread throughout the world especially the UK. Only then can we get our old lifestyles back. Anyone who wants to continue self-isolating, social distancing and mask wearing can do so but, the rest of us should be allowed to return to normal and go on holiday to Sunshine Land. Who’s with me? I feel like booking a holiday to Italy right now. Just need to find an airline that will let me travel without a jab. Sounds like it could be a clever marketing trick for the airlines and countries desperate for tourism. A real money spinner. “Jab Free Airlines.” Let me know if you know of any. We’re desperate to get away

Jesus is the answer.

Give the people enough sport, movies and soaps, along with universal basic income and we are somewhat contented. We have given up our lives of old and find ourselves in this new normal. What’s going on? What is their Agenda? I’ve been hearing for years that they plan to destroy the wealth of nations and individuals, to destroy the family, to proclaim that all children belong to the state, that they dream of a time where any bad behavior will result in your children being removed from home and put into care where these Satanic predators will have access to them. Any Christian will tell you that we win in the end, so why are there so many people willing to push this agenda? Satan is very clever getting you to not believe in him. He starts off by convincing select individuals that God is a meany, that he kept Adam and Eve in captivity like animals in a Zoo, that he Satan set them free and has given us his loving commands of “Do as you like. Anything goes. There is no sin. Whatever makes you feel good, no matter who gets hurt.” These individuals then set up secret organizations like the Freemasons where on the first of the 33 steps you learn that they’e just a charitable organization but, there’s a different lie on every level of the pyramid, until before you know it, as you reach the top you find out you’ve been worshiping Satan all along. These organizations work their way through elite society appealing to feelings of superiority, that they deserve to rule over the masses, controlling the minds of the plebs through fear mongering and misinformation. These bodies work secretly pushing their representatives to the peaks in every country in order to eventually have total control of the whole world. It’s hard to say which of the many secret societies are top of the tree. It’s an interesting debate and one worth having but it’s more important to recognize this world for what it is and accept that we didn’t get here by mere happenstance. This was no accident.

It’s been a very slow burn but his plan is working amazingly well. It does with every civilization, no matter how great their knowledge, art and science, it always ends with genocide. No matter how bad this life gets, remember that it’s only temporary and Jesus is the answer.

Life is like a game show. A bit like a test. Will you pass the test?

Health Workers gathering their own data on Post Vaccine Death Rates - Deaths up 730% after Vax

This video wont even play on their website. Hopefully it’s just temporary.

So health worker around the world are gathering their own data to compare the pre-vax and the post vax death rates. Some say that the old people were doing well for the last 12 months then once they get the vaccine death rates spiral as much as 730% compared to before. Medical professionals seem afraid to speak out for fear of losing their jobs. I haven’t come across Column News before but, I’m going to keep an eye on their content. How about you?


Some more good news. It seems only through “People Power” will our lives ever return to normal. Let’s hope that it spreads.

Bill Gates and SONGBIRD / Hugo Talks #lockdown

Another must watch video.

The Moral Case Against Lockdowns

I just discovered WhatsHerFace yesterday. I had a look at her channel and she has a lot of great content documenting the covid nightmare that we’re all living in. The people I feature here on my website are there to help you break free from the mind control of the mainstream media who don’t mind lying to you to marshal you down a path where you give your consent to the wicked plan of the New World Order. By law, you cannot be vaccinated without your consent. The mainstream media know this but wont tell you. Instead they will act as cheerleaders getting over excited at the roll out of the vaccine, saying how lucky we all are that it’s coming, that they cannot wait to get it themselves, saying how awful it is that some are jumping the queue, saying how some key workers are more deserving than others and should therefore be prioritized. Give me a break. This stuff makes me sick, they’re so transparent. All their chatter is to get you to want it, to get you to give your consent. Like a vampire who cannot cross your threshold to bite you without your invitation, the same applies here. Apart from their cheer-leading activities the mainstream media will also engage in other well known fear tactics, trusting that you don’t want to be the odd one out going against the majority, going against the government, against the science, against your friends, family, colleagues and neighbours, against the ever changing, complicated, nonsensical rules/laws and ministerial daily edicts. I stand alone but, it’s great to know that there are people like “WhatHerFace” out there who seem to be on the same page as me. Do check her out before it’s too late.

Remember, alchemy was illegal unless you were an alchemist working on behalf of the monarch. Changing lead into gold, was it ever even a thing? If it were possible to do it hundreds of years ago, then with the technology we have today, dodgepots out there be doing it right now. I believe that it was just a cover story, just misinformation to hide the truth of what alchemy really is. Alchemists are spin doctors casting spells to control the mind of the people. If you spin for the monarch, that’s apparently okay. Spin against the monarch and you will end up in the tower. The mainstream media of today are the alchemists of old looking to control your mind casting their spells on behalf of the powers that be. If you don’t know what they’re doing you are more likely to fall victim to their trickery. In the olden days when people were poor, paying taxes was painful. People hated tax and resented the royals because of it. So out came the good news stories, the prince has a girlfriend, the prince is getting married, the royal couple are having a baby, and so it goes, on and on, century after century, good news stories to help garner support for our royal overseers and make us more likely to comply, to pay it and to agree that we owe it. It’s still going on today, only now, there’s more at stake than just paying taxes. It’s time to wake up.

Upside Down Clown World - Hugo Talks

Will schools ever reopen? With the low take up of the vaccine, won’t that just be used as an excuse to threaten parents? “Take the jab or stay at home with your kids, forever.” I’m sure that they will tell us that it is too dangerous out there with all these un-vaccinated super spreaders and for that reason students will have to remain in their current limbo. Just like with all our other freedoms, sports, socializing, holidays and normal business activities that were put into temporary lockdown, “Three weeks to flatten the curve.” only to find out ten months later that those restrictions still apply and have even been ramped up.

I did say that they were going to cancel Christmas 2021 and that obviously Summer holidays would be cancelled too because they come before Christmas. Logic, see? That happened today. People will wake up one day. Remember, this isn’t Government policy. They’re just following the Great Reset plan of the World Economic Forum (WEF). If you want to know what’s coming our way in the future, just visit their website. Remember their wish/prediction? “In 2030 you will own nothing and you will be happy.” That seems to be happening. Individuals, companies and countries are going bankrupt, for real. Not sure how that will make us happy, though? They announced last April how wonderful it is for the kids to be home schooling like they think this is a good idea, so possibly a permanent solution for us in their opinion. They also want to change our diet. Meat will be a rare special treat. Apparently, insect burgers are heading our way. I remember seeing this on the news decades ago that we’ll all be eating insects in the future. I thought that was such nonsense, that nobody is going to choose an insect burger over a cheese burger. Rubbish! Unfortunately, I was unaware of the WEF and their sinister plans for us. It’s all out in the open now. What years ago seemed like a ridiculous conspiracy theory is happening right before our very eyes. They’re really going for it. They can’t stop now, can they? They can’t say that it was a horrible mistake, and that suddenly it’s all gone away and that it is now safe for us to go out. I wish that they would but, I don’t think that they will. No, they’ve gone all in, thrown the kitchen sink in there too. If they were to lose now, the chances are that they would all be rounded up, arrested etc. They’ve only got one shot at this and they’ve decided the time is right for them to make their move.

NHS PHY OPS NUDGE / Lockdown News Roundup by Hugo Talks

It’s been a few weeks I guess since I added anything new to this website. How much information do you need? How much more can you handle? I could easily upload 2-3 videos every day but, I don’t want to overdo it. This is just a taster. If you like a content creator featured here, you can go to their channel and view all their content over there. However, some of my favourite content creators have been recently kicked off YouTube. They include Hugo Talks and Dave Cullen’s “Computing Forever.” Their old videos may still be visible there but they’re not allowed to add new content. Luckily, they had anticipated this and had set up additional channels on different platforms such as “Odysee,” “BitChute” and “Brandnewtube” etc. Many of the video links here on my website were broken last week. I had to spend time finding new sources for their content.

Meanwhile, in Israel things are getting really bad. What’s often pointed to as the blueprint for the rest of the world, Israel, whistle blowers within that country are letting us know what could be coming our way in the near future.

It has been more than 4 months since I last added anything to this website. Is there anyone out there? 16/07/2021

As we approach Christmas 2021 we’re all wondering if it will be cancelled again at the last minute just like last year. Hang on in there. Celebrate every day. Time is short. Don’t let the buggers get you down. You are loved. Keep the faith and if you lack faith do look at the amazing bible codes to find out just how much you are loved. 14/12/2021